
You took my hand,

walked through that door and

begged me to stay just a little bit longer.

For two whole weeks you begged me

to stay a little bit longer.

Tomorrow you will walk through that

door one last time,

you will play with your friends

listen to story-time, eat you snack,

enjoy circle time, run, hop and skip.

Then there will be hugs

and kisses

and tears –

not yours, but mine

and theirs

your teachers.


In September

there will be ‘Big School’

and for a whole morning you will

be gone from my life.

I’ll hold you tight

unwilling to let you go,

just yet.






  1. Oh yes – even now at my age I can remember my first day at school. No pre-school in those days so ‘feet first’ so to speak. Truly heartfelt poem and one sweetiepie will always treasure.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Jane – it was sad this morning dropping her off for the last time. It’s such a great pre-school and 3 lovely teachers


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