
Resilient – Weekly photo challenge

November 4th,

a day etched in my memory,

and only your resilience,

your determination and doggedness,

to just get on with it

keeps us going, one step at a time.

I fear for your future;

I take deep breaths, focus and

try to carry on

as you do;

your little body,


your spirit as always strong and determined.






You took my hand,

walked through that door and

begged me to stay just a little bit longer.

For two whole weeks you begged me

to stay a little bit longer.

Tomorrow you will walk through that

door one last time,

you will play with your friends

listen to story-time, eat you snack,

enjoy circle time, run, hop and skip.

Then there will be hugs

and kisses

and tears –

not yours, but mine

and theirs

your teachers.


In September

there will be ‘Big School’

and for a whole morning you will

be gone from my life.

I’ll hold you tight

unwilling to let you go,

just yet.





Weekly Photo Challenge – ROY G. BIV

Sometimes nature presents us with rainbows in different forms.

Peacock butterfly

Peacock butterfly

Beautiful peacock, red, blue and orange

drink sweet nectar from the yellow dandelion

find a nettle patch of green

fly on in skies of indigo

seek rest as the sun sets violet

against the horizon



Weekly Photo Challenge – Roy G. Biv

WordPress Daily Prompt – Roy G. Biv

Sweet Thing

Eleven days ago a new born baby girl was found abandoned in a field in Dublin. As I write they have not found her parents. Thankfully the little girl is doing well, but every time her story comes on the news my heart goes out to her. Today they released her photo in the hope her parents would be found.

The baby was found on 8 May in Rathcoole

This poem is for her.



They found you in a field

wrapped in nothing but

a snug, brown blanket

and shopping bag.

Your cry brought a passer-by.

But what if you had been asleep?

What if the wind had carried your cry

far away?

Who would have found you then

Sweet Thing?


Where is your mum?

Where is your dad?

What disaster struck them

to abandon you

without thought or care?

For there are a thousand mothers who would

keep you safe and warm.


Or did someone steal you

from the arms of the one you loved



It is not fair to judge.


But someday you will

want your mother;

And someday she will

want you.


Fate has saved you,

or some god or immortal being.

May it give you

a life full of treasurers,

a life full of dreams and hope,

for you deserve it all

Sweet Thing.



WB Yeats and Drumcliff

Passing through County Sligo last week I made a stop at Drumcliff, the burial place of the poet, William Butler Yeats. It seemed timely to visit as it is 150 years since Yeats was born in 1865. Yeats is one of Ireland’s best known and best loved poets. Poems such as “The Lake Isle of Innisfree” and “Down by the Sally Gardens” are know to nearly all Irish school children. Yeats won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923. Though he died in France it was his wish to be buried at Drumcliff – a magnificent spot under Ben Bulben in County Sligo. He even wrote his own epitaph in one of his final poems – Under Ben Bulben

Cast a cold eye
On life, on death.
Horseman, pass by!